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Beloved Communi-tea

For the past five years, weather permitting, I have been hosting a weekly tea party in Bryant Park on Thursday afternoons.

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  • Danielle

    By Liz Gannon-Graydon on September 17, 2018
    Two weeks ago, a lovely elderly woman stopped by our table. She asked, gently, “Is this the tea party?” (This has been a common inquiry since the New York Times ran a story about us.) She told me that she had read the article and was glad to have had the chance to join us. She introduced herself as Danielle. […]
  • Beloved Communi-tea

    By Liz Gannon-Graydon on September 16, 2018
    For the past five years, weather permitting, I have been hosting a weekly tea party in Bryant Park on Thursday afternoons. It began as a lark. I was looking for free things to do in the city with my sons. In the summers, Bryant Park hosts Broadway in Bryant Park on Thursdays. I started going, and packing a picnic lunch. […]

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