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Programs with Friends and Collaborators

heartNovember 2017: South Fork Geriatrics Network,Southampton, NY. “Staff Development Workshop.” The workshop provides tools to lift spirits of people who work tirelessly to provide the best care for seniors and find ways to work together in beloved community.

heartOctober 2017: Reformed Church of Bronxville, Bronxville, NY, “Coming Home” program. What Better Looks Like participated in this 26 week program by leading the opening workshop. This program helps women who have been recently incarcerated make the adjustment back to the community with the support of weekly dinners/inspirational programs and individual mentors.

heartOctober 2017: South Fork Geriatrics Network, Southampton, NY, “Staff Meeting.” Facilitated staff discussion on how we can work together in our daily lives to make better connections and provide the best care for seniors.

heartJuly 2017: Miracle Corners of the World, “Young Leaders Program”, at Champlain College, Burlington, VT. For a second straight year What Better Looks Like was invited to present a workshop at the weeklong program involving 40 young student leaders from over 20 countries around the globe.

heartMay 2017: Hastings Women’s Circle, Hastings, NY – Ongoing group support of one another and the work we create together and as individuals.

heartApril 2017: Reformed Church of Bronxville, Bronxville, NY “Coming Home” program. What Better Looks Like led the closing workshop for this 26 week program for women who have been recently incarcerated.

heartFebruary 27-March 3: Church Center for the United Nations, NY, NY, Peacebuilding Class for students of the Soltun Folkschool in Norway. What Better Looks Like partnered with No Strings Productions – a nonprofit organization that produces puppet films to help children around the world deal with natural and man-made disasters – to create and present a weeklong workshop.

heartFebruary 2017: Sachem High School, Lake Grove, NY. What Better Looks Like provided a program for the junior and senior classes for Black History Month, discussing the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and how we can use his vision of Beloved Community to heal our own communities.

heartFebruary 2017: Five Towns Leadership Conference at Lawrence High School, Lawrence, NY. What Better Looks Like provided a workshop on “Creating our Vision for Compassionate Community.”

heartJanuary 2017: Building Bridges of Brookhaven and Boys and Girls Club of Bellport, Bellport, NY, “Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.” In this full day of learning and service, What Better Looks Like participated on a panel discussion about the ways in which Dr. King influenced our lives and our work.

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