School Counselors Breakfast Workshop
by Western Suffolk Counselors’ Association
November 1, 2013
8:30 AM – 12:00 noon
State University – Campus Center – Ballroom A
School Community: Using Humor and Popular Culture to Help Kids
Understand the Role of the Bully
How do we examine and challenge our existing school climate for
middle school students to address bullying behavior? There are ways
that help heal both the aggressor and target.
This workshop will introduce the concepts of What BETTER Looks
Like to discuss how bullying breaks down our sense of
community and how we can prevent and address these issues in a
positive way while building on the work of what Martin Luther King,
Jr. called the Beloved Community.
is intervention necessary, and how do we help children distinguish
humor and teasing from genuine bullying? We will explore ways to
cultivate empathy for others and address the unmet need for power and
control that is often present in those who exhibit bullying behavior.
Participants will:
- identify ways in which their school communities currently support or fail to support dignity for all students
- learn to distinguish between teasing and bullying, with strategies for each
- be taught specific strategies for cultivating compassion and empathy between students, including sample lesson plans and examples of effective practices that can be implemented in the schools
- create an action plan for their school to foster an atmosphere of compassion and dignity for all
When we experience problems, we can also take an active part in
creating the solutions.
Better Looks like is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated
to helping people envision and create a better world for themselves
as well as their local and global community.
download and complete our reservation form and send with check for $5.00
(made out to WSCA) to WSCA, 595 Route 25A, Suite 18, Miller Place, NY
11764 or email wsca@optonline.net
and bring check to breakfast.